I heard a couple of people having a discussion the other day and it brought some questions to my mind and some thought and prayer. They were talking about going to church, being called a sinner....and as I listened I thought of how so many people have such a distorted view of Christianity...that it has nothing to do with how often you attend church, how much you pray or how good you attempt to be. Yes church is very important in the fact it will put you with fellow Christians and a place where you can be fed but there is so much more. First thing there is no scale with God as to one person’s sin is greater than another’s, or because one person prays more or frequents church more often...that is the legalism of man. God doesn't have a scale where he measures our sin...with God "sin is sin is sin". I grew up in a Christian home, was raised in the church, but didn't have my eyes opened and truly begin to grow in Christ until my later adult years. And I thank God for bringing a wonderful woman friend into my life, who invited me to her church, where I was discipled by an awesome pastor and a wonderful body of Christian people....and through that it was the beginning of true understanding and the growth and development of my relationship with Christ that I had never had before. And it has only continued to develop and grow and I will always be so grateful that God brought them into my life. Then to have my niece and her husband who are so strong in the Lord to bless me as well.
As I was thinking over my life God spoke to me of how so many people complicate the simplicity of his word, what he wants from us and the first step we need to take and that is I giving ourselves to him. I remember at the age of 14 walking the isle, giving my life to Christ, being baptized...but that is where it ended for me. I wasn't blessed to be in a church that understood that wasn't just my new beginning in my walk with the Lord but it was also another new beginning with those who were there to disciple me. You ask for clarity in what I am talking about.....I watch a television pastor who at the end of his program says how he never wants to close without first asking if there is anyone that needs Christ. He tells people to say a few words, tells them that he now believes they are saved, they need to get involved in a bible based church. I think to myself, take a person who may know absolutely nothing about the bible, Gods word and they are now thinking...hmmm so this is what it is all about....I say a few words and I am saved...They told me to find a bible based church, so I guess I can pick any church where I can find a bible and that is it.
I would like to explain in what I find to be a simple explanation, but also to completion, where hopefully it answers many questions of those who either haven't given the hearts to Christ or those who have newly given their hearts to Christ but are not certain what is next.
Let's start at the beginning.....If you have heard it is something that can't be bought, something you can't do enough good deeds to obtain...you are right....it is FREE...a gift from God that his son Christ paid for in full with his life, his blood.
Say you and I are friends and I have purchased a gift for you....It's in a box so beautifully wrapped and I can't wait to give it to you....You see the box, how beautiful it is, and are very anxious to know what is inside. I stand in front of you , holding the gift out to you but the thing is , you have to reach out and accept the gift. I can't and won't force it on you , I can't make you take it, it is totally your choice. The same with Christ...he want to give you the gift of himself and salvation, but he won't force it on you...it is your decision as to whether you take it or not....You accept the gift, you open the box and remove the gift. It is something that you have heard a lot of people talking about, you have a lot of people talking about this gift and how wonderful it is and have thought many times of how you wanted it to. Well now you have it and there is an instruction book enclosed with it, something called the bible...you sit down and attempt to read the instructions but become very frustrated because you don't understand a lot of what it is trying to tell you. And you feel a little uncomfortable in asking anyone because they all seem to understand all about the gift, what it does, how it all works and you don't want to appear dumb.
That is where others come into play in your life. Being a new Christian is like being a new born baby...what can a new born baby do? very little....and it is day by day , step by step from birth to adulthood....a baby initially can do nothing for themselves...then they can hold up their head...next they learn to roll over to their back but it still may take them awhile to learn to roll back over and can be very frustrating but then the baby gets it and is very excited....then the next step is usually the baby learns through time how to sit up by themselves....then pull themselves up to stand, but usually they are still holding on to something so they don't fall back down and it takes time, and some babies learn faster than others, each baby at their own pace....then one day it lets go and attempts to take that first step , maybe takes one or 2 steps...but again it is a learning process until the baby can walk without holding onto anything....then going from walking to running...but through each process mom and dad , maybe other family members or friends have been there to help the child out as it has gone through this process. No one has gotten from birth to running by themselves....they have had teachers in their life, those around that love and care about them, to help out, to answer questions...surrounded with those that care about their best interests...people that want to see them grow and develop, to become strong in the word, and most importantly to let you know the most important one you look to for help and understanding is God...the one who has ALL the answers...the one you can always lean on, one who loves you ALL the time no matter what, the one who accepts you right where you are, the one who wants to see you grow and become strong in the word more than anyone and will help you each and every day...all you have to do is ask. Have a blessed day and life.
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