Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Broken Into Beautiful

It never ceases to amaze me how God works. As I am searching for a particular song I find another. I hear Gods voice speaking to me and leading me to open up my heart one more time. I know there are a lot of women out there hurting, thinking they don't matter feeling worthless and so confused. But let me tell you sweet sisters, you are worthy. You are worthy of being loved, being respected, of having blessings fill you up and overflowing. God bless you all, and never forget, you do matter, to the one that truly matters! He can take your brokenness and turn it into beautiful. Believe me I know. It took me a lot of pain, a lot of hurt to realize it wasn't any person, place or thing that would bring me permanent joy. I remember so many times thinking about myself and my life. What had I done to have to deal with such pain. I must have been so bad, done something so ugly that I needed to accept this was the best it would ever get because I was getting what I was worthy of having. So many a night I remember crying myself to sleep, praying for Gods mercy, that if this was all my life was about then please just take me out God. I would close my eyes, and my two children’s faces would come into my mind. I knew that even if no one else needed me they did. They were so small, so sweet and with their innocence they couldn't see the real me and realize that I was unworthy of their love. As I sit here and flash back on that time in my life, a certain amount of pain passes through. But that is the good thing about it, it passes through. You see it is no longer allowed to take up residence in this home of mine, this place called my heart. The room that it leased for so long is no longer available. The lease ran out and it won't be renewed, because I have been renewed. I love each and every one of you out there. As always I pray for you, but tonight I will pray an extra special prayer, for each and every one of you. I pray for God to move in your lives. I pray for his healing to take place in your lives. I pray that he will take your brokenness and turn it into beautiful, as he has done for me. I thank you God for each and every women that finds this site, reads these words, listens to the music. I pray that through them you will lead others here as well and I pray that they will feel your presence and receive your healing, and to you we give all the glory

Goodnight sweet sisters, know that I love you and more important that He loves you. Have a blessed night and an even more blessed tomorrow. Love to you all in Christ….Donna

1 comment:

  1. Cool idea. I followed your site from Gwens Facebook. I like the stories with the songs. We all have those ones that just touch us. I went to broken to beautiful tonight because I needed to remember that He changes us. I just started a blog ( about raising children with disabilities and in the midst of them, I go to him to remember who I am.

    I'm looking forward to keeping an eye on your blog!
