Tuesday, January 12, 2010


In writing this I would like first to thank my daughter Angie for finding the extra 'i' in precious, Melanie Page for her patience and love and inviting me to Northwood Church, and thank you Michael Joe (the pastor of Northwood) for your words and direction, thanks to Olin McCartney of my work bible study for his love and direction...and most of all thank you God for using these people in my life for as you have worked through them you have in turn worked in me! And thanks to Ira Goldberg for your journey from New Jersey to South Carolina and being my good friend :-) !

I was emailing my daughter over the past couple of days with questions about setting up this blog. We shared some fun time as I laughed about some of the questions I would ask her and the answer was so simple.

She texted me Sunday and said she tried the link but couldn't get in. She said it told her it didn't exist. I went to it so quickly and easily and couldn't figure out why she couldn't get there. I went their again, no problems, so I forwarded her an email where I had put the link for a couple of other people to be able to access it. Well, she got there and emailed me asking, "Mom, did you realize there is an extra "i" in the word precious?" I looked and sure enough in putting it together I had spelled the word precious, precioius. I went to make the correction and when I did it told me that the that link wasn't available. I laughed and thought to myself and wrote to her about it saying "Well, I can either change it to another name or leave it the way it is. I made the statement of how, that's par for me, never seems like I do anything once and get it right."
She responded back with laughter, "Yeah I know the feeling mom."

I woke this morning and thought how amazing! That incident applies so much to our daily lives.
Reminds me of a man that one day was going to set out on a journey. He wasn't certain as to where he was going, and not really certain of how to get there. A friend of his had introduced him to a friend of theirs earlier. He remembered his friend bragging how this guy could go anywhere, and never needed a map, never had to plot a trip, and always, ALWAYS, got where he needed to go without a snag. He picked up the phone and asked his friend did they think this guy would be willing to take the trip with him. "Sure, I know him, he would love the ride and even more the thought of helping you. That's just the kind of guy he is!"

So they hooked up, packed up the car and the passenger got in the back because there was too much baggage up front. Well, they got to the interstate and headed out. He was asked, "So where are we going?" He found the response a bit baffling, ("Not sure just taking a road trip") but hey this was this guy’s trip and he was just along for the ride, to help with directions. But then he thought, "How can I help this guy if neither of us knows where we are wanting to end up! Throughout the day and small conversations between each other and listening to the driver occasionally talking to himself, he had a hint of sorts as to a place he knew this person would love...he knew exactly was this guy needed ..and he could take him their...it might take a little longer than expected..but he was willing to take him there and the place he wanted to take him to was so wonderful...he would take him there at his own expense, he knew it was a place they would both love! So he spoke up, or may I say he attempted to speak up and pass this information but the driver kept cutting him short, letting him quickly know he was along for the ride and if he needed help he would ask for it. After this happening several times, the passenger thought to himself, "Okay, go for it buddy...I will sit here in the back and do just that. I won't get out and hitch a ride back home...I'll stick it out with you and be a silent passenger watching and just see where we end up." The evening starts closing in and they come to a fork in the road...hmmmm which way should I go?...the driver paused for several seconds , "What difference does it make, this is supposed to be an "I'm not sure where I am going kind of adventure, so no matter which road I take adventure lies ahead. So with excitement in his heart he veers to the left and on he goes. But something happens in a very short period of time. He's not certain why, but he finds himself filled with an unusual fear, a fear like he has never felt before and of which he has no understanding . The back seat passenger continues his silence, watching and wondering just how long it was going to take for this man to put his pride aside and ask for his help. Finally, the guy stops the car, he is in tears, overcome with a feeling of foreboding, and turns around with a deeply heartfelt apology telling his friend he realizes he can't do it on his, and he would gladly trade places with him in the car if he would just get them out of there and to a place of safety! Amazing the humans we are, we just know we have our lives together, that we can take these unmapped journeys in our lives and get to where????? Exactly where do we end up????? Usually the place we end up is yes, very scary, desolate, lonely and we seem to have no idea how we got there or how to get back...then we realize, what we need is available to us, all we have to do is 'ASK'...Yep, sorry but you have to ask. It’s a thing called "Freedom of Choice". HE is not a back seat passenger, but we tend to put HIM there, until we are so lost, so scared we are begging to be saved from the road we are on! The difference between HIM and us is if you had a buddy along for the ride supposedly to give you directions and treated them that way, continuously telling them to keep silent until they were needed, they would have reached a point where they had enough and bailed out leaving you on your own. But not HIM....HE will stick it out with you...HE is there for the complete ride from beginning to end....He "Always" sees it to the end of your journey....But the one thing we must remember "HE" is not a back seat passenger, he is not a co-pilot". You must give HIM the wheel, you must let go and let "Jesus Take The Wheel!" Oh and by the way I am leaving the extra "i" in the word precious...just as a reminder to myself...I don't do anything, I can't do anything on my own and until we are able to take that first step, being able to admit we can't do anything on our own, we will be like the guy headed out going nowhere!

So remember, let God be your Pilot.....Give Him the wheel...Let go and let Him save you from the road on you are on. Have a day filled with blessings overflowing!!

And all the people said?? "AMEN!"

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

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