Thursday, September 5, 2019
My rejection of your opinion, or better yet simply stated, my disagreeing with you on something is NOT me rejecting you.
I love Joyce Meyer. Boy is she a teacher and that is something I truly believe we all are in need of, is a good teacher. Someone who speaks truth in teaching the word and we don't walk away feeling worthless but feeling hopeful.
She spoke today about her own past wounds from her childhood, from the abuse she suffered from her father taking deep root within her soul and having been so deeply wounded with rejection. She thought when she walked away from his house that she left it all behind, but the truth being it was deeply rooted in her soul and how she felt no self worth and so rejected.
She spoke of how she carried that into her marriage relationship with her husband Dave. How that every time what started out as a simple conversation in minutes turned into an argument. She had to allow God to reveal to her that she needed to separate her WHO from her DO.
She had been so deeply wounded that her need for approval ran so deep she wasn't able to allow Dave to disagree with her on any given topic without taking it personally that he was in his disagreement "rejecting her". She spoke of how she told God to please reveal to her "What is the matter with me".
God wants us to come to him. He wants to heal us of all our past wounds so that we can throw the old baggage in a bonfire and allow him to take those ashes and turn them into something beautiful. Our restoration, our healing and a life of peace and joy.
God did reveal to her the problem and how she needed to separate her WHO from her DO. That she had so strongly intertwined the two that they had become one. That she needed to have an understanding that would lead to her healing. To understand that Dave loves her completely and that he isn't a mirror image of her. How we are all individuals and love doesn't mean always being in total agreement with each other.
Think about it, if that were the case and we were to always be in agreement as husband and wife, as friends etc, whose opinion would take precedence? Who would determine that? When we think about it, it is rather humorous. There is only ONE opinion that takes precedence over all opinions and that is Gods!
The devil loves to take our past hurts, bring them into our present, and distort our thinking into taking them as truth. The enemies lies lead to destruction and pain whereas Gods Truth leads to the healing of our souls, which in turn leads to loving ourselves, seeing our self worth and having peace and joy through Jesus Christ.
Healing....I know that I for years had a misconception of healing, thinking that if I were healed I would never even think of past hurts and when I did I was falling short as a Christian. That if my faith was where it should be in Christ they would never come to mind again. WRONG! A huge misconception which led to many times of self doubt and feeling a lack of self worth not only as a person but as a Christian.
Boy how the enemy loved that. The times I would allow him to steal my joy with his lies. The difference in being healed and not, is when we haven't allowed God to heal our souls, when the past comes up we let it take up residence in our heads and minds and take us to places we should never go. Deep dark places that then turns into depression and sometimes even worse. When we allow God to heal our souls and the enemy attempts to bring it back to mind, we don't even entertain it. "Oh no devil, NOT today" we shout!
Joy is something God wants for all of us, and anxiety and depression, and self doubt are things we can not wish away or even so much as pray away, but we must allow God to dig around in the deep parts of our lives and to reveal to us, show us, what the true root of the problem is and we will see that it is not the stuff that is going on around us that makes us unhappy but the stuff that lives within us.
A nutritionist would tell you how you feel today is the result of what you ate yesterday and God will tell us our unhappiness goes to what we are hanging on to from yesterday and even yesteryears! Not only will we not find joy and peace until we allow God to reveal things to us, but we will find it only in allowing ourselves to be healed through Him.
The process of healing is different for everyone, but it is, a process and a willingness on our parts to "let go" and "LET GOD"!
It is the Holy Spirits job to help us not live a life where we are deceived. The enemy desires for us to build our lives upon deception and hopefully keep us there. But through Jesus Christ we have the promise of deliverance.
Josephs brothers threw him in a pit and he ended up in a palace. One must be determined "I'm going to get out of the pit the devil placed me in". I may have not had a good beginning but I WILL have a great finish, because we are going to cross the finish line with Jesus.
SO, run the race, baggage free, loving ourselves, knowing and believing in whose were are....HIS!
It doesn't get any better than that. We have been ADOPTED, CHOSEN, we are the children of the Highest Almighty God!
Almighty Father God, I lift up each and every person that is need of your healing. Knowing that so many times we have allowed the enemy and his lies to have taken up residence in our minds for so long, have taken it all as truth, the thought of letting go, of change can be very painful. Something we also know Lord, the enemy wants us to do, fear letting go. I pray Father God that those hurting and in need will seek your counsel and allow you to do the work within them, to heal all past wounds, that they can be set free and know the real truth, Your Truth! Amen
May you all have a blessed day and better yet.....Be someone's blessing!
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