Friday, January 15, 2010


Good morning sweet sisters...I love watching and listening to people, how they act and react to things. And it doesn't take long to discover that the human race is so judgmental...people making comments "Look at her hair, my word she needs to lose weight, doesn't she care what anybody thinks about her. Doesn't she care about how she looks?" "Oh she thinks she is soooo cute/smart, just pick a word and fill in the blank. I could go on and on with different situations, but I am sure you get my drift. There are 2 verses we all need to remember. Matthew 7:1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

In other words, don't sit back judging someone unless you are ready for God to judge you with the same measure you are judging. Are there times that we need to judge a given situation? Yes, but the "way" in which we judge is all together something else. Read John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge using "righteous judgment". Sort of like seeing a man who is filthy and dirty. If we judge him by his filthy and dirty appearance only, we have judged him wrongly. He may be a man who works at a job in which filth and dirt is a part of life. Coal miners who work underground can't help but get filthy during their shift at work.

We never know about a person’s life..where they come from...what they have been through...what has brought them to the place they are right now.

You see, we all have 2 sets of eyes...One set is on your face to see where you are going, be able to read etc. The second set is in your heart...Yep, in your heart...the spiritual eyes that God gave us...that when we use them we have the ability to see things through His eyes...we see the situation with a gentle heart, loving heart, giving heart, compassionate heart, understanding heart and on and on. We all have choices to make in our lives and the freedom to make those choices...You decide which eyes you want to use and want used on you....which judgment do you want to use and which judgment do you want used on yourself.....Never forget one day the person you are being so hard on "could be you/me"....And remember one other choice we have...we may have to live in this world, but being "in" the world is your choice! Have a blessed day sweet sisters, love each other, let your lights shine for one another...and once again remember, you are loved....Donna

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